RJM Painting. Interior & Exterior house painting contractor with over 25 years experience in Dana Point, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Corona Del Mar.

Kitchen cabinet painting and bathroom cabinet painting is a specialty project for any professional cabinet painter. Transforming a kitchen can be an exciting project, and achieving a professional look is a great way to update your space without the hassle of a full renovation. While painting might seem like a DIY project, there’s a world of difference between a DIY job and one carried out by a skilled professional.

Why Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets?

Over time, kitchen cabinets can show signs of wear and tear. Scratches, scuffs, and fading paint can make your entire kitchen appear dated and tired. Replacing cabinets can be an expensive endeavor, not to mention the inconvenience and mess that comes with a full-scale renovation. Painting your kitchen cabinets, on the other hand, is a cost-effective way to achieve a brand-new look without the hassle of tearing out your existing cabinetry.

A Professional Kitchen Cabinet Painter Employs a Variety of Techniques to Ensure a Flawless and Long-Lasting Finish.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to prepare and paint your kitchen cabinets effectively:

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Sandpaper (medium and fine grit)
  • Sanding block or electric sander
  • Tack cloth or lint-free cloth
  • Painter’s tape or masking tape (if needed)
  • Safety goggles and a dust mask
  • Drop cloths or plastic sheets to protect your workspace

1. Prepare the Workspace

Clear the area around your cabinets and cover countertops and floors with drop cloths or plastic sheets to catch dust and debris. Remove cabinet hardware (handles, knobs, etc.) using a screwdriver. This will make sanding and painting easier. All doors and drawer fronts must be marked for the box they came from. What I mean by that is this #1-#45 and you know where to put it when the job is complete.

2. Safety First

Put on safety goggles and a dust mask to protect your eyes and respiratory system from dust particles

3. Protect the Insides

The interior of the cabinet must be masked off to avoid overspray to protect the interior and belongings.

4. To a Professional Kitchen Cabinet Painter a Clean Surface Makes All the Difference

Bathroom cabinetry painting and kitchen cabinetry painting requires surfaces to be cleaned with a mild solution of dishwashing liquid and water to remove hard gum, leftover cleaning materials residue and food contaminants.

5. Perfect Those Imperfections

After the cabinets are dry they need to be filled. Professional Kitchen Cabinet painters pay special attention to details such as edges & corners. Achieving a polished look requires precision and careful application to ensure every part of the cabinet is evenly covered.

6. Sand in the Direction of the Grain

Sanding kitchen cabinets before painting is a crucial step to ensure a smooth and even surface for the paint to adhere to. Start with medium-grit sandpaper (around 120 to 150 grit) to remove the existing finish, you can follow up with fine-grit sandpaper (around 220 to 240 grit) to smooth out the surface further before painting. If your cabinets have a wood grain, always sand in the direction of the grain to avoid creating visible scratches.

7. Prime & Paint

Once the cabinets are sanded and properly cleaned, they are ready for priming and painting. The newly textured surface will help the primer and paint adhere effectively. Use a quality bonding primer and high quality acrylic urethane finish like those from Sherwin Williams or Dunn Edwards. All products should be 0 VOC products to comply with current laws in California.

8. Now the Fun Part

With the prep work done now it’s time to enjoy the feeling of completion. Hang doors in the order of the numbering and replace the hardware in the same way. I recommend no chemicals be used to clean the cabinets after completion. Cleaning of the cabinetry should be dishwashing liquid and water with a clean sponge.

Looking for Professional Kitchen Cabinet Painter?

Transforming a kitchen can be an exciting project, and a great way to achieve a fresh look for your home without the hassle of a full renovation. Feel free to contact us to ask anything about kitchen cabinet painting or cabinet painting services you’re curious about or need assistance with!